During 2010 the Burton Joyce and Bulcote Local History Society, supported by the Nottinghamshire County Council Local Improvement Scheme, produced plans, text and sketches for four Heritage Trail boards – three in Burton Joyce and one in Bulcote. These are designed to provide residents and visitors with information about places of historical interest in the villages, and to show where they can be found. The photograph above shows the first board, which is near the front of the old school, at the junction of Chestnut Grove and Main Street.
This is the first board, near the Carnarvon Room. A detailed PDF version is available here. (If you cannot open this file, please see the note at the end of this page.)
The second board is on the river side of the railway line, reached by following Chestnut Grove past the Lord Nelson public house.
This is the second board, near the River Trent. A detailed PDF version is available here.
The third board is near the junction of Church Road and Lambley Lane, close to the Millennium sundial.
This is the third board. A detailed PDF version is available here.
The Bulcote Heritage Trail board is in the centre of the village, and suggests a tour of the interesting buildings that can be seen there.
Bulcote Heritage Trail board. A detailed PDF version is available here.
The Society is very grateful to the Nottinghamshire County Council for supporting the Heritage Trail project, and to the Parish Councils of both villages for adding their support.
To celebrate the completion of the project an exhibition was displayed in the Carnarvon Room in the autumn of 2010.
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